
Sandee Khare yachi Ek kavita !

एवढंच ना? एकटे जगू.. एवढंच ना?
आमचं हसं, आमचं रडं, घेऊन समोर एकटेच बघू,
एवढंच ना?
रात्रीला कोण? दुपारला कोण? जन्माला अवघ्या या पुरलंय कोण?
श्वासाला श्वास, क्षणाला क्षण, दिवसाला दिवस जोडत जगू!
एवढंच ना?
अंगणाला कुंपण होतंच कधी, घराला अंगण होतच कधी,
घराचे भास , अंगणाचे भास, कुंपणाचे भासच भोगत जगू,
एवढंच ना?
आलात तर आलात, तुमचेच पाय, गेलात तर गेलात कुणाला काय?
स्वतःचं पाय, स्वतःचं वाट, स्वतःचं सोबत होऊन जगू
एवढंच ना?
मातीचं घर, मातीचं दार, मातीच घर, मातीच दार
मातीचं घर, मातीचं दार, मातीच्या देहाला मातीचे वार
मातीचं खरी, मातीचं बरी, मातीत माती मिसळत जगू
एवढंच ना?

Sometimes it is really lonely and poet has captured that state perfectly.This situation is not permanent by any means , but I believe it is in Poet's right to write about it.
There is no one absolutely to go to and poet is 'cool' with it , I like this sentiment , it gives vibes that 'I dont depend on anyone' and I am capable of carrying myself alone.
He is also philosophical about this state and says there is no one for entire life and you can live life with each passing moment , clearly pissed of with his loved ones and trying to project that he doesnt need them anymore .It is extreme stand , and poet is successful in painting a frustration of his mind with few lines.
I though of these lines from Socrates while reading this ,
'My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife, you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher.'
Poet looks to be not so fortunate with his married (or love) life and has become philosopher.
End is also good , it says,
मातीचं खरी, मातीचं बरी, मातीत माती मिसळत जगू
The poet thinks this all is fictious and rubble after all..
A very good poem , Sandip Khare - May the force be with you...


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